Sunday, September 25, 2016

Aim Global Nigeria OPP Rolan Mentor

First of all I would like to introduce my name of our company ALLIANCE IN MOTION GLOBAL.



This is a partners of Aim Global, 
Natures Way a multibillion Dollar company in USA and The no#1 Premium Herbal Company in USA.

DSM is a multibillion Euro Company- DSM has over 24,500 strong work force around the Globe.

This is a Flag ship product of Alliance in motion global. 

But all product of Aim global is 19 and all is natural herbal food suplement.
This is all name of product
1) Complete                 2) Restorlyf
 3) Kiddi 24/7.              4) Choleduz
 5) Vida max                 6) Vida drink mix
 7) Perfect white           8)White light
 9) Liven coffee           10) Mychoco
 11) Naturacentials herbal toothpaste
 12) Naturacential Deep cleansing Whitening bar 
13) Naturacentials Natural feminine wash 
14) Naturacentials Natural Masculine wash. 
15) Burn Meal replacement Shake 
16) Burn Slim tablet 
17) Liven burn coffee 
18) Burn mate ice tea
Over all product of Aim Global and soon is coming prosuct Aim world product.




There are three (3) membership packages today with the same equal opportunities for all. There only difference is the variation in package contents in terms of products. 

They include:

1.Global Package A: N490,000

3.Global Package  B: N210,000

7.Global Package  C: N70,000

1. You must have a SPONSOR? 

2. Fill up the membership form.

3. Pay for any of the membership global packages of your choice.

To become a registered member or legal distributor of AIM Global, Inc., you just avail any of the Global Packages above.

The Global Business Registration Package provides you a wide range of benefits as follows:

1. Global Package with products worth the amount registered. The return on products is around 80% thus, this is not pyramiding. What constitutes pyramiding is when the return on products is below 74% of your capital exposure. Hence, more on recruiting people to join the network and not with people who are loyal to the products.

2. After the registration, you’ll get25% lifetime discounton all products in your next repurchase for a lifetime.

3. Business Kit on the product and the marketing plan and other enclosed brochures and literatures.

4. Data Tracking Center(Free Web Page). Our business is internet-based for purposes of monitoring of recruits up to infinity, our daily sales and transactions and for encashment of our income (anywhere on the globe, we can monitor our sales and the activity of our downline members). Our website address ishttp://­www.allianceinmotion.­com. You may access your account by logging on using yourUser Name and Password.

5. ATM Card(either BPI or BDO). It is a zero-maintaining ATM cards. Our income will be withdrawn through our ATMafter 24 hours from encashment at our site.

6. Global Business. We emphasize here global because the distribution started in the Philippines and it will further spread to other countries as AIMGlobal continues to hold on to a 30-year contract with Nature’s Way.

7. The investment is so small but it has a big return. The company is that so generous to its distributors. So even if you will do the marketing or not, still you earn great return of your money.



1. Retailing.

It involves direct selling. In here, you will enjoy your 25% discount of all the products. For example, 1 blister pack or box of C247 can be purchased at our center in the amount of

N3,838 and you can retail that in the amount

N5,108 giving you an income of N1,270

2. Direct Referral Bonus.

For every person who registered under you as sponsor, you are entitled to a referral bonus of N1,900.This will automatically be credited to your account upon completing the registration process of your recruit.

3. Sales Pairing or MatchingBonus.

We employ the binary system of recruitment. You have left and right sales force. Every time there is a pair, you will receive a matching bonus of N5,700.
We are allowed only 16 pairs a day or a minimum income of N91,200 per day(16 pairs x 5,700).The 17th pair for that day is considered a flushed out and it will be an income of the company. This is the company’s safety net; the way to earn income.

4. Unilevel Sales.

This meant every sales of

every position dir

 you (your own

downline) you are entitled

to10 percent of their total

sales value credited to

your own sales value,and

everyone below that up to

the tenth (10th)

generation – you are

entitled to5%of their total

sales value

5. Stair Step (Overriding Commission).

Aside from the unilevel

sales, a distributor will get

an overriding commission

once his or her rank is

promoted.Hence, for every

rank there is a

corresponding overriding

commission assigned and

requirements.· Global

Ambassador1000 Global

Packs 30%+ 5% Unilevel.·

Gold Executive 100 Global

Packs 20% + 5% Unilevel.·

Silver Executive 10 Global

Packs 10% + 5% Unilevel.·

Distributor 5 % Unilevel.

Based on the data shown above, the Stair Step Plan or Overriding Commission is based on a hierarchical system, from which the top position directly earns a higher percentageof commission based on sales value.

If you are a Global Ambassador you are
entitled to a 30 percent commissions on all sales
done by distributors along
your genealogical hierarchy,

20 percent on
all Silver Executive and 10 percent on
all Gold Executive.

* It is not an individual purchase,but a group purchase

6. Royalty Income.

This applies only to global ambassadors who have

also members who

become global

ambassadors. For each of

the global ambassadors

under himor her, he or she

will get a royaltyincome

of2% for the group sales.

7. Other Bonus for Global Ambassadors:· Global Ambassador 2000 – Part-owner of the Company – 2% profit sharing per year.·




         Watssapp +639062250235

First Step to join or register.
1) Go to the Nearest Bank in your Area and      deposit the amount you like to start, here      is the option
Option A N490,000
Option  B N210,000
Option  C  N70,000

2) Here is The Bank Account choose one of         this bank you like to deposit the money.

You can pay into any of the bank accounts below, and send teller details to us after payment.




Access Bank: 0689695216
Zenith Bank: 1130070042
Skye Bank: 1771769766

After You Deposit Send me a picture of your teller receipt to confirmation of your payment, Send to here Link or click the Name CLICK ME/ROLAN.LEGO.message.Inbox

Thats ALL GOD BLESS To your Success...

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Aim Global Kenya :

 A Good Business To Start For Kenyans
Before I start introducing Aim Global Kenya, let us first know the history of AIM GLOBAL. This is a presentation about this opportunity and I am telling you that I am one of the million distributors of AIM GLOBAL so this is not a review but a sharing of a helpful information. I am excited to share this opportunity with you because this changed my life and most of the people under my organization. I believe that if you are in a struggle to win over financial problems, you are in the right time to learn about this business and give a shot once you learned how it works. I am just one of the thousands distributors who are now benefiting the good compensation plan as well as the goodness of health and wellness products of AIM GLOBAL company. Though I will not say that this is the best opportunity, but just give yourself a chance to know how you can benefit from in this opportunity. AIM GLobal is Alliance In Motion Global. The company was established in 2006 from the Philippines by the triumvirateus owners.
Dr. Eduardo Cabantog “LIFE IS SHORT. Maximize your abilities… develop your potential to the fullest! Be part of the fastest growing business in ASIA! It’s high-time you realize your DREAMS not 10 years from now, not 5 years from now, but this year! Let’s bring out the best in you…

” Francis Miguel “A LIFE CHANGING!” Words that describe this company I would say-from the abundant benefits of its unique products to the very rewarding income from its remarkable marketing plan! I’ve seen it happened to some; you could be next! Let us build your dream. Let us help you GRAB IT

” John Asperin. “We all should start young in working for our goals. Enjoy the good life early with your family while you’re able! Drive your life the NOW! Let us teach you, guide you, and bring out your full potential! Everybody deserves this handful opportunity… so don’t let it slip away…

” Then welcome to AIM GLOBAL Kenya! To start with the business, you have to buy any of these Business package. The capital is Ksh 20,000 or Ksh 21,800. You can see that the package worth Ksh 21,800 has more products than the package worth Ksh 20,000 so you can choose wisely. Here are your membership benefits including in your package:
AIM Global Kenya Good business to start Global Package AIM Global Products, Business Kit, Registration Form, Bank Account-Linking Form Lifetime Product Discounts of 25%-50% Free Website (Distributor Tracking Center) Health Insurance via products Your Own Global Business Free trainings/mentorship from A Millionaire member All business requires capital, and in AIM GLOBAL you will immediately receive your Return of Investment. If you sell it you even got more in return. And once you are registered, you will have an access to the 6 ways to earn of AIM Global. Here are the ways you can earn in AIM GLOBAL.

I will make a simpler sketch for you to easily understand the Marketing Plan or Ways to Earn.

 1. Retailing This has no sales quotes required. This is not compulsory. But if you want to sell or retail, you can earn 25% profit. Earning millions is not on selling. Its thru referring people. See presentation below. 2. Direct Referral Earn Ksh 900 in every successful sign up that you referred.
3. Match Sales Bonus Earn Ksh 2,700 in every time there is successful sign up from your right and left of your binary group that matched regardless they are your invites or you don’t know them totally because they were invited by the people joined in your business. Earn a maximum of Ksh 43,200 per day if you purchased 1 account. Earn even more if you purchased 7 accounts. Enjoy our DAILY PAY OUT SYSTEM when you join Aim Global.
4. Unilevel Bonus Enjoy additional 5% commission from your group sales upto 10th level with dynamic compression feature. Additional 5% commission on all reorders of your direct referral.
5. Stair – step Bonus Silver Executive (SE) – 10% overriding commission on your group’s purchase volume. Achieved when the equivalent points of your group’s sales volume reached 10 points. Gold Executive (GE) – 20% overriding commission on your group’s purchase volume. Achieved when the equivalent points of your group’s sales volume reached 100 points. Global Ambassador (GA) – 30% overriding commission on your group’s purchase volume. Achieved when the equivalent points of your group’s sales volume reached 1,000 points.
6. Royalty Income Additional 2% in your income from your group who become Global Ambassadors too.
Now that you know already the 6 ways to Earn, your next step is taking action. I am willing to guide you all through your success.

 how to join You can message us on Facebook or email through our Contact Form AIM GLOBAL NIGERIA 2 AIM GLOBAL Kenya provides Free business orientation and Free Business training.

 JOIN NOW!!! Feel Free to leave your commment below. Leave your comment here Back to my facebook account Rolan sorima lego THANK YOU AND GOD IS YOUR

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